PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processess

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This page is designed to facilitate access and knowledge transfer by housing information relating technical topics within PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processes. ER processes based on INPO AP-913 and WANO GL 2018-02 are implemented in nuclear plants around the world. The Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG) and International Equipment Reliability Working Group (IERWG) are industry stakeholder groups chartered to advance industry efforts in advancing ER processes and are supported by EPRI. The implementation of Maintenance Rule (MR) and Single Point Vulnerability (SPV) Programs are also implemented at many nuclear plants around the world and can be intricately linked to many aspects of the ER processes. The menu bar to the left provides links to topic-specific wiki pages related to ER:

Other PRR information can be found at the following sources:

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Nuclear PRR Website An excellent resource for seeing what products and research are available to PRR members.

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Revision Control[edit]

Only EPRI staff can edit wiki content. Each wiki page that has technical content has a revision number (at the top of the page) and a record of revisions (at the bottom of the page). The record of revisions summarizes technical changes made for each revision. Minor, editorial changes may be made without changing the revision number.

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Record of Revisions[edit]

Number Date Description of Changes
0 3/8/2021 Initial Release
1 12/20/2023 Updated to reflect PRR organizational changes
2 2/26/2023 Updated to add the PRR Website.